the tracing

Definition of Tracing:

1. To follow the course of
2. To discover 
3. To draw (a line or figure)
4. To form (letters) 
5. To follow closely 
6. To imprint (a design) 
7. To record (a variable)


larah moravek is an interior designer creating and living in new york city.

the tracing was conceptualized in 2010 when larah took a sojourn to india and asia. today, the tracing continues  documenting the visual inspirations found in the world around her.


all photography by larah v moravek.


© 2012, larah v moravek inc. | LVMinc
all rights reserved


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i find each day i am drawn to certain things, certain music, certain inspiration... depending on my needs & desires. is that just a natural rhythm?
or is just simply, you like what you like.

well, i found some repetition in the inspiration that flashed before me and caught my eye one afternoon perusing the sights of this city.

it was all about the strength of linearity in the graphics of architectural delineation. first at the UN building and then, at the Met atrium. in those same two spaces, the strength and grace of "woman" also called out to me.

to see these concepts build on themselves in my polaroids brings me such happiness.
it feels good.


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